- Right after the Operation
What to Expect: Swelling and some bruising are normal in BBL. Gradually, they will reduce. Because of the anesthesia and the adaptation of the body to it, you may feel exhausted for a week. You will have drains for the first 3-5 days.
What to Do: Please start taking your oral medications until the day of your discharge (especially antibiotics should be finished).
You may walk around on the day of surgery and after to prevent blood clots from developing, also move your legs frequently. Shower is not allowed until check-up as long as your doctor does not tell the opposite. You should keep the incisions dry and sterilized. Sterile bandages should not be removed. You will be informed with further information by your doctor on your last check-up date. You should not take your anti-embolism socks off until your surgeon tells you to do it.

- 2-6 Weeks
What to Expect: Swelling and bruising will improve and you may begin to observe some initial results at the end of this period. However, there may still be some swellings.
What to Do: For at least 2-weeks period any tobacco products and spirit drinks should be stopped to be consumed. First at least 4 weeks, you should be careful in sexual activities and tiring yourself. In case of infection, swimming is forbidden for four weeks. Please keep your buttocks always clean.
You should wear your special corset and use a BBL pillow at least for 6 weeks. It will help the skin recover and lead to a better body shaping. You should never sit without the BBL pillow during this period. Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks, lying flat while sleeping and any traumatic action for at least six weeks. Sleep or sit on each side equally. You can start the gym after 6 weeks. You should start slowly. Avoid applying any cream or such on the incision for a month unless your doctor tells you the opposite.

- 3-6 Months
What to Expect: The shape of your buttock will be improved as the swelling continues to decrease.
What to Do: You can do exercise with caution for intense workout targeting the buttock areas. Focus on maintaining a stable weight. Use sunscreen for the incision sites to prevent darkening.

- 1 Year
What to Expect: Final result will be more apparent. Healing phase is generally completed.
What to Do: Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a stable weight to enjoy the long-lasting effects of the surgery.