MCAN Health London Cannot Wait to Welcome You!
We have some very, very exciting news! Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, boom!!! MCAN Health is in London, like literally, physically and permanently in London. Our London office will be open on the 1st of June to welcome our dear patients. We have been waiting for this day to come so long. MCAN Health had been registered in the United Kingdom in January 2020, and we were planning to open our office in London in March 2020 but of course, back then we would not be able to imagine that Covid-19 would “take over” the world. We had to postpone the opening but here comes the summer and our London office is opening, could we be any happier?

MCAN Health History
MCAN Health has been providing the highest quality hair transplant, plastic surgery, weight loss, and dental treatments at affordable costs since 2015. To date, we have supported hundreds of thousands of patients travelling from different parts of the world. But most of our dear patients are coming from the United Kingdom.
Our growing presence in the United Kingdom as well as the advice of our dear patients that we should have an office in London made us take this step. With our London office, we aim to further expand “the MCAN Health family” in the United Kingdom. We want to reach each and every patient in the United Kingdom who would like to have the highest quality treatment without paying a fortune. We are very keen to touch and transform the lives of more and more people. Because we are committed to our motto “beauty for everyone” and get our motivation from the happy faces of our patients; the happier patients, the merrier.
All You Need to Know About MCAN Health Office in London
Our London office is in Central London, in 35 New Broad Street, that is in easy reach not only for Londoners but also our patients coming from other cities of the UK. When we founded MCAN Health London in January 2020, we had planned a big opening party but as the saying goes “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. Covid-19 does not let us have a big family photo on the 1st of June but we will be welcoming each and every patient with an appointment and celebrating our presence in London.
Our dear patients in the United Kingdom, if you are looking for treatment in Turkey; hair transplant, plastic surgery, weight loss surgery or dental treatments, MCAN Health is home to support you throughout your journey. Now you can come and visit us at our office, get information regarding your treatment and travel plans in person or you can just drop by for a cuppa!
If you are not in London and if it would be difficult for you to come to London, do not worry! Although we have an office in London, it does not mean that we will not do any outreach; we will regularly organise consultation days in different locations across the United Kingdom. Please feel free to welcome us to your hometown, we will be happy to visit you!
Our beloved colleague, Ozlem, who used to work with us as a Content and Sales Manager will be the one welcoming you to our London office and giving you the information and support you need. There are two ways to make an appointment with the London office, you can directly contact Ozlem on 07522776060 or you can simply book your appointment on our website.
We cannot describe how happy we are because first, we will be close to our MCAN family in the UK and second, we will become even a bigger family here. Yes, we are over the moon! And MCAN Health London cannot wait to welcome you!