Analysis of Lewis Hamilton Hair Transplant

Sir Lewis Hamilton is just about as good as anyone gets: a Formula 1 champion (tied in world Championships with the greatest of all time: Michael Schumacher), an environmental and social activist, knighted in 2021 and quoted in Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential men in the 2020 issue. In one word: a man of talent and true values, among which we find elegance and a fine attention to his physical appearance.

quote you just need to be accepted for who you are and be proud of who you are and that is lewis hamilton

If there is one thing he loves as much as speed and adrenaline, that is experimenting with his hair. Indeed, he is quite known for testing different hairstyles and wearing fashionable clothing. Fans have seen him with trimmed hair, dreadlocks, Afro-style, dyed blonde, ponytail… Are we missing something?

Lewis Hamilton Hairstyles
Lewis Hamilton hairstyle through the years

Now, a man like him would not let go of his hair without putting up a fight. Ever since his Formula 1 debut in 2007, at the age of 22, he seemed to be prematurely experiencing male pattern baldness. Lewis his hairline was receding, his hair dangerously thinning, especially on the frontal area. Many fans wonder what on earth he’s done to gain back tremendous density over the last few years! 

Could the secret be a hair implant?

Is He Balding, How and Why?

Lewis Hamilton Balding
Lewis Hamilton denies rumours of a hair transplant

Formula 1 drivers spend a big deal of time hiding beneath caps filled with slogans and publicity. It’s part of the sport’s tradition. It is also a good hideaway if your hair is thinning and you don’t want other people to notice… but when your name is Lewis Hamilton, there is not so much you can do to hide, is there? 

The internet is full of his hair pictures showing the champion’s receding hairline. That is why there was no point denying his hair loss… But the champion denied getting a hair transplant operation. He blamed ‘hotel shampoos and bad quality lotions’ for his hair loss, and explained he suddenly got his hair back simply by ‘self-caring’. 

Yeah, right!

He Got a Hair Transplant: True or False?

Lewis Hamilton after hair transplant
His hair started to grow after hair transplant

Our experts have a few things to say about that… They assure his hair transplant definitely happened, and here is why!

The idea of getting such density of hair back without surgery is laughable for hair experts. No doubt, better lotions, shampoos and better hygiene practices can help maintain your density of hair, and even recover it a little. But that is a long way from Hamilton’s astonishing transformation!

Hamilton’s hair was not just thinning, he was balding! Now, he has a thick full head of hair. Such a spectacular change cries out for ‘follicular transplantation’, as we say in the industry. Either that, or there’s been a brand new discovery in hair restoration technique practices and new-age hair-growth lotions that only Hamilton and a few of his peers seem to know about! 

Could he also be a scientist, other than a F-1 prodigy, a fashion icon and an activist? Make your own conclusions!

His Hair: Before and After

Lewis Hamilton Before and After hair transplant
Lewis Hamilton Before and After Hair Transplant

Now that we all know about Hamilton and his love for hairstyle, let’s take a look at the type of hair loss Hamilton had, so we can determine whether better shampoos could have solved his issue.

What Was Lewis Hamilton Hair Loss Type?

The causes of the his hair loss are certainly multiple, and all of them are up to speculation. The stress of competition must have played a big role in his hair thinning, as well as the dangers of speed, his constant travelling, and, quite probably, as Hamilton said himself, the use of bad lotions and shampoos.

But those of us who have seen his father in pictures can also confidently regard genetics as a cause of hair loss (unmentioned by the F-1 driver). Hamilton’s father is completely bald, and looks quite like his son. Bear in mind, when it comes to genetics and hair loss, there is not so much one can do by recurring to ‘better shampoos and lotions’. It is your destiny to lose your hair… unless you get a transplant.

Which Hair Transplant Did Hamilton Have? 

Lewis Hamilton straight hair
Lewis Hamilton with straight hair

He has thick, curly Afro hair, which is the hardest hair to transplant, a true nightmare for inexperienced trichologists! 

Because of the excessively curly roots of Hamilton’s Afro hair, he must have found a high class professional, willing to spend many hours to deliver the desired results. Afro hair transplants are performed using the FUE technique, which is one of the most performed hair transplant techniques, known as the “modern” hair transplant method due to the latest technology it uses.

Lewis Hamilton GQ men of the year 2015
Lewis Hamilton GQ men of the year 2015

In the FUE method, each follicular unit is extracted one by one directly from donor areas on the scalp (usually the back of the head, between the two ears). The follicular units are moved from the permanent donor area to the area of hair loss called the recipient area.

Over 90% of hair transplant surgeons in the world prefer FUE, because it does not involve stitches and it does not leave any linear scars as it happens with the strip harvesting method (FUT Hair Transplant).

MCAN Health’s Hair Transplant Team also prefers the FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey, like many other surgeons in the world. Lewis Hamilton made a calculated decision and decided to get a hair transplant. The good news is you do not need to have his millions to get the same treatment and the same results. 

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