Hair Transplant Recovery in 18-Months

Hair transplant recovery has a significant role in getting the best hair transplant results in the end. A successful hair transplant operation must be followed by excellent and meticulous aftercare. To have the desired final results, patients should significantly pay attention to the hair transplant recovery period; they should follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully and be aware of some necessary side effects of hair transplant treatment. 

Hair Transplant Recovery Timeline 

Mrs Morton's hair growth step-by-step

Hair transplant recovery process of MCAN’s patient, Mr. Morton

Hair transplant recovery starts once the patient is done with his/her hair transplant operation. MCAN’s hair transplant surgeon shows the patients how to wash the newly transplanted hair a day after the procedure; in addition, the medical team informs patients about do’s and don’ts, which helps patients get over the hair transplant recovery smoothly. Besides, patients have ‘patients experienced specialists’ when they are done with the hair transplant treatment; these specialists follow up on each patient’s recovery time until they get the final results! MCAN Health is with you from the beginning to the end. Our patients always have someone to reach and get medical support for any complications. MCAN Health also has a comprehensive aftercare instructions for hair transplant for your convenience.

The hair transplant recovery timeline consists of some usual complications. Below, MCAN gives all the information about hair transplant recovery, including some natural complications patients may encounter in this phase. 

How Long is Hair Transplant Recovery? 

On the 1st-2nd nights, patients can experience blood discharge (plasma) in the donor and recipient areas. It is expected, so do not worry about it. First days following the hair transplant operation, patients can experience swelling on the forehead. With the help of a bandage, your swelling can disappear.

Patients’ hair is washed two days after the hair transplantation. Hair washing is the most crucial part of the recovery process; it should be done in a gentle way without damaging the newly transplanted grafts. The medical team of MCAN guides you about hair washing, and patients’ first hair wash is done at MCAN after having your hair transplantation in Turkey

For the first week of a hair transplant, it is essential to take rest after the procedure. Resting accelerates hair transplant recovery time. Patients must also avoid certain things for the first week of recovery: smoking, consuming alcohol, exercising, and swimming. It would be best to avoid those for a good recovery process to get the best results.

The patient’s donor area can be healed within 7-10 days of hair transplant recovery. 

In 2-4 weeks, patients can observe the growth of the newly transplanted hair. The new hair may seem uneven and unordinary. Do not worry, it gets better with time. During the hair transplant recovery period, patients can return to their regular hair-washing routine. 

4 weeks after the hair transplant procedure, patients may encounter “shock loss,” also known as hair shedding. The time of the shock loss may vary. It can be seen between 1-3 months. In this period of recovery, the existing or transplanted hair may fall out; it is a usual stage; shock-loss occurs as a reaction of the body to the transplantation. Hair shedding is also part of hair transplant recovery. After a while, new hair grows.

Hair transplant recovery timeline

Hair transplant recovery timeline

In 4-6 months, patients can have early hair transplant results (first growth) if they pay enough attention to the recovery period. 

8-10 months after the hair transplant, patients can see a noticeable improvement in their hair. Hair is thickened, and the appearance is significantly improved in this phase. 

In 12 months, hair transplant patients can have good results; the bald areas are completely covered. However, patients should remember that they are still recovering from the hair transplant.

In 18 months, hair transplant patients can finally get the final and the best hair transplant results! 

During your hair transplant recovery process, you can use vitamins, including biotin and keratin, which enchants the growth of the hair healthily. Your surgeon informs you about vitamins you can use. 


How long does it take to recover after a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant, the donor area gets healed in 7-10 days. The recipient area requires time to heal; a hair transplant is a long journey providing its patients permanent solution. Therefore, hair transplant recovery time starts just after the procedure and continues for a year. However, it doesn’t mean patients feel pain or stay in dreadful situations till it gets healed. Hair transplant patients can see the improvements in the recipient area every day. At the end of the 18th month, the healing process is completed with the final results.

When does a hair transplant start to grow? 

Patients can observe the growth of the newly transplanted hair even just after the hair transplant procedure. As time passes, hair becomes more visible. Between 1-3 months, patients may experience ‘shock loss.’ It is the stage where the hair falls out. It’s a temporary stage some patients may face. Shock loss or hair shedding is part of the recovery period. 

When can I see the final results?

Hair transplant patients can get their final results in their 18th month. In a year, good results are seen. For the best results, please follow your surgeon’s instructions about the hair transplant recovery process. 

How long until a hair transplant is unnoticeable?

Within 1 to 2 weeks, when the side effects such as red dots, swelling, and crusting disappear, hair transplant is unnoticeable. 

Are hair grafts secure after 10 days? 

10 days after the hair transplant surgery, patients’ hair grafts are secure. Patients should be careful with their recipient area for the first week. Hitting the head, sweating, and the wrong sleeping position can damage the grafts.