Baldness, receding hairlines, these are nightmares for lots of men. The good news is hair transplantation is a very effective permanent solution for that the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) has declared that hair transplantation numbers have incredibly increased during the last 10 years.
For men who have a hair loss problem and decide to undergo hair transplantation, here are 10 important points that should be considered in the decision-making process. Should you undergo a hair transplant or not? where to have a hair transplant and when to have it?
1) Should I Stop Minoxidil Before Hair Transplant or Not?

Hair loss is a two-way treatment: Keeping the existing hair healthy and restoring the lost hair. You may start your hair loss treatment with some medicines such as Minoxidil (brand name Rogaine). Surely, you can use it and it may work. But, in most cases, as soon as you stop using Minoxidil, you may experience a severe loss of hair.
Still, Minoxidil is effective in preventing hair loss. Before you come to MCAN Health for a hair transplant, our contracted surgeons will ask you to stop using Minoxidil at least one month before the hair transplant procedure. To make the right planning, they need to observe the effect on your balding and receding parts after you stop using Minoxidil.
Should You Start Minoxidil After Hair Transplant Again?

After hair transplantation, some surgeons may advise you to use Minoxidil for a short period to keep your natural hair located among the transplanted hairs healthy. It is important to consult your doctor as this may vary according to your individual medical situation.
2) Are You Losing Your Hair Because of Male Pattern Baldness?
Even though hair loss in men happens mostly due to Alopecia, medical treatments, stress, and some other factors can also cause hair loss. Hair transplant is most effective only if your hair loss type is male pattern baldness. In this case, your hair will be receding from the front to the crown of your head. If your hair is falling equally from all parts of your scalp there might be some other reasons behind your hair loss.
3) Have a Realistic Expectation about Your Hair Transplant According to your Donor Area

Hair transplantation is not happening by transplanting the hair follicles from someone with a lot of hair to someone who does not. Hair transplantation takes place by harvesting hair follicles from your own donor area (the back of your head) and implanting them on your balding parts.
So, your own situation determines what is possible for you. Can you cover the whole head? Don’t expect any miracles! And don’t trust those who promise you a head full of hair if your donor area has only limited possibilities and if you have large balding parts. In some cases, if your donor area is dense enough you can undergo a second hair transplant.
4) The Cost of a Hair Transplant in Turkey vs Europe, vs the USA
The cost of hair transplantation varies from country to country. In Europe, the cost of an FUE hair transplantation varies from 3,000 EUR to 30,000 EUR, whereas in the USA prices start at 3500 EUR and go up to 35,000 EUR, depending on the number of follicles required, the clinic, and the location. In both Europe and the USA, FUE hair transplantation clinics offer the price per graft (follicles), which means that the cost for a patient requiring 3000 grafts can go up to 20,000 EUR.
The cost of FUE hair transplantation in Turkey starts at 1,500 EUR and goes up to 6,000 EUR for 3,000 follicles. This is including hotels and transport. In Turkey, most clinics implant the maximum number of follicles possible in one session.

Many patients get their hair transplants in Turkey, attracted by the huge price difference and the surgeons’ quality, making Turkey a hit destination for hair transplants. When you decide on the country and then the clinic, do not go for the cheap one but for the reasonable, trusted, legal, and audited one with reputable surgeons.
5) What is the Best Method for Hair Transplant? FUE, FUT, DHI?
Hair Transplantation has 3 main stages: Extraction, Canal Opening, and Implantation.
- Extraction is done in two ways: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation – Strip Extraction)
- means to extract each and every hair follicle one by one, whereas FUT means to extract a strip of hair at the back of the head. Since FUT leaves a scar, it is not preferred anymore. Many surgeons proceed with the FUE in order not to create a scar.
- Canal Opening and Implantation are the other important phases of hair transplantation. In FUE, canals are opened with the so-called slit method and implanted one by one.
- In DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), a special pen is used to open the canals and at the same time to implant the grafts.
- FUE is the most applied method with the highest number of grafts, while DHI gives a natural look and there is no need for shaving the head.

Which method is most suitable for you is determined together with your surgeon on the basis of your expectations and the possibilities of your donor area, the quality of your hair follicles, and the extent of the balding parts.
6) Time Needed for Operation and Recovery Time
You will need one day for the whole procedure. Hair Transplant operation will take 6-8 hours. However; it is better if you get three-day permission from your work because your first check-up will take place after one or two days. And there may be some swellings on your face and head. They will be reduced by surgeons.

You should remember that the transplanted hair follicles are very vulnerable during the first 10 days. Our doctors in Mcan Health would recommend you to wear headbands after the operation. So, you need to protect your head from any possible damage, you shouldn’t wear any helmet, you must sweat as little as possible and you shouldn’t do any heavy exercise.
7) A Trusted, Reputable Hair Clinic with a Guarantee and Regular After-care is Worth Paying More for
Choosing the right and the best clinic for a hair transplant is difficult. There are a lot of aspects you can look into, such as previous patients’ before and after photos, reviews, the consultation process, the after-care process, and the qualifications of the surgeon.
If you go abroad, you have to determine if services such as accommodation, transfers between clinic-hospital-airport, an interpreter, 7/24 support during your stay, are also being arranged.
We already mentioned that a hair transplant is a one-day procedure but seeing the final result takes one year. A clinic abroad should follow your case if everything goes fine and as expected and if something goes wrong should direct you correctly and on time.

8. Reduce Drinking Alcohol, Smoking, or Other Contradictory Medicine at Least One Week Before Hair Transplant Operation
Alcohol and smoking will slow the blood flow to the scalp, therefore limiting the blood density before the hair transplant. This is why we advise our patients to reduce their smoking and alcohol usage. You may also need to limit some other medicines after consulting your doctors.
9. Hair Transplant is a Permanent Treatment and Your New Hairs Will Not Fall Out!
It is important to know that after your hair transplant, your hair will shed in the first coming month! But soon after it will start to grow again, so that in six months to a one year’s time, your hair will be in the best possible shape. You can treat your hair normally after recovery time, there are no limitations for a haircut, washing, or dying.

10. Operation Day!
- It is recommended to have a shower on the operation day to guarantee a hygienic transplant.
- The newly implanted grafts should not be touched or pressured after the operation, so try to wear a loose collar T-shirt or a shirt with buttons to avoid any touch while changing.
- Take a fresh orange juice or milk instead of coffee or tea for your breakfast as Caffeine may increase the bleeding!
- Do not wear any perfume or cologne on the day of operation.
- After your operation, you can carefully cover your head with hats and caps.
Get a free quote and finalize your plan here for a hair transplantation in Turkey! Also, see the before and after hair transplant photos to realize how hair can change people!